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About Our Process

We have been in the pill pressing business since 2002. Our unique small-batch manufacturing system yields excellentquality products, time after time. We are in compliance with GMP (GoodsManufacturing Practices) and our facility has health approval from FraserHealth Authority. We are registered with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as a manufacturing facility.

These are the steps in our process:

1. Material SourcingWe use only trusted suppliers who provide high quality ingredients that have been tested for potency and purity.
2. Material InspectionWe inspect every shipment to ensure quality meets our standards.
3.Particle sizingWegrind down to powder the material that is not received in powder form.
4. Formulating We develop the formula for a pill calculating the specific amounts of active and inactive ingredients.
5. Weighing We weigh ingredients according to the formula.
6. Mixing We mix ingredients thoroughly to ensure proper particle distribution.
7. Machine Calibration We set depth of fill and pressure on the tablet machine according to the formula.
8. Tablet CompressionThe tablet machine uses high pressure to compress powder material into a solid pill.
9. Tablet InspectionEach tablet is visually inspected for any abnormalities such as cracking. Tablet hardness and
weight are tested for compliance with the formula.
10. Equipment CleaningWe wash and sanitize all equipment immediately after each batch production.
11. Work Area CleaningWe clean the entire work area immediately after each batch production.
12. Tablet BottlingWe use a child-resistant cap, a tamper- proof seal and a sterilized bottle.
13. LabelingWe generate a custom label with order information including the pill name for the order.
14. Shipping Shippingis free. We ship by FedEx which provides order tracking. The order, includingyour choice of a hand-made pill box gift, is securely packaged before shipping.Gift wrapping is also available.
15. SmilingWetake pride in our work and love what we do!